Internship in Japan Program

An Internship is a great way to broaden your knowledge and gain experience in your expertise. If you are interested in Japan or interested in changing careers, wouldn’t it be nice to work and live in Japan while you are gaining work experiences with an internship? Working in different countries could be tough which requires speaking different languages, taking different business manners, different communication methods, etc. In this Internship in Japan Program, you will gain necessary language skills and cultural knowledge as well as business etiquette, manners and protocols, and be prepared to work and live in Japan comfortably without any surprises and stresses.
Depending on the areas and expertise, this program will vary between a one-year to two-year length.
Please write [email protected] for more information.
Study Abroad for Adults and Families
Have you ever thought that you want to go back to school and participate in study abroad programs that you missed when you were in school? You can still participate at North Shore Japanese! We have a customized study abroad program specifically for adult professionals who are busy and can’t take a long vacation. Participants learn Japanese language, culture, and manners before/during going to Japan. This program includes sightseeing, special gatherings and cultural exchange with local Japanese people, and weekend stay at a host family (upon your request).
Please write [email protected] for more information.